

If you are reading this you need to click the picture above and you will be able to download this album for free. This band Empires is a great band. Guys from Chicago who are taking a different approach with their music and giving it away. I have a lot of respect for them because they have recorded and produced all of this themselves. That is an amazing accomplishment. It also won't hurt to let all your friends know as well.


Aileen Burns said...

Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm downloading it right now and will listen to it tomorrow ^^
And sure if I'll like it I'll make people listen to it! Just for you! :D

Alicia Mitchell said...

I must say
It's awesomely rad

Thanks for the recommendation

no name said...

Downloaded. That's so cool.

I don't mean to spam, really, but I took a BUNCH of pictures at Basilica Block Party last year and if you're at all interested in seeing them, follow this link!!

Lex Cullen said...

This is really cool! Got it dowloaded. Nice taste in music:]

xxx said...

Fuck, they really are an amazing band.
I mean this with all the love and respect in my heart.
And I told Tom this too when I was visiting Chicago and saw a show.

There is a reason he isn't in TAI anymore, and it's this band. This music is so full of life it's insane.